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Men's Clothing, c1920's

Odds and Ends From The MUSEUM!

By Trudy Wyman, Curator, Millinocket Historical Society Museum

When the well-dressed Millinocket man went shopping for clothing in the 1920’s, he went to the H.A.M. Rush store, G.B. Moran’s store or Dan Simpson’s place of business. These places furnished ready-made or tailor-clothing for the well-dressed man (and boys).

The Rush store advertised “the home of Taylor Made to Order clothes. The man who is keen on being well-dressed buys Taylor clothes.” Rush also provided “furnishings” such as shirts, neckties, hosiery and underwear. Rush could also supply the gentlemen with a “nobby” hat and a chance to select shoes from the store’s fine stock. This store opened in 1901 and was in business for many years.

Another store used this… “Your Clothier for the past 21 years and still solicitating your trade is G. B. Moran. A fine store, well-stocked where he carries men’s and boys clothing as well as furnishings of every description.” Moran stocked Hart, Schaffner & Marx, a popular clothing line. “The well-dressed man knows that in buying here he will get superiority of goods and workmanship.” In addition to men’s clothing, Moran advertised that their trunk department carried “classy luggage and compact bags for week-end trips and larger ones for longer trips.” Moran’s business was located at 216 Penobscot Avenue, began 1902 and was in business for many years.

If a Millinocket man wanted a made-to order suit, he could visit the Dan Simpson. Many “relied on Mr. Simpson’s judgement of materials when ordering a made to measure suit. Experience has proven that when Mr. Simpson recommends a certain cloth, the purchaser, if he follows Simpson’s advice is always well pleased with the selection.” Simpson also carried Ed E. Strauss & Co. Inc. of Chicago apparel. Repairing, pressing and dyeing services were available at Simpson’s business also. He had a regular list of patrons who relied on him to keep their clothes in “immaculate” condition.

The above is from a special supplement published in The Old Town Enterprise newspaper, 1924. Yearbook ads for 1921-22 list other businesses where the well-dressed Millinocket men and boys could be outfitted. J.A. Gonya & Sons advertised “sports suits for young men. The Store for Service.” J. Walker was a “merchant tailor.” His business was in the Doctor’s Block (corner by light). Harry V. Zango’s ad states “up-to-date tailor” and “we buy and sell slightly used clothing.” An additional ad in the yearbooks is for N. Liss with a “special line of young men’s spring suits.”

There was obviously no need for any man or young man to be poorly attired when he was out and about town! Equally well-attired were the women and girls of Millinocket. That story will be told in a later column!

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