Preserving our heritage, one story at a time.
Meet our Volunteers
Meet the team:
Barbara Beaulieu is the incoming president of our board of directors. She comes to MHS with a lot of no-profit experience and a love of the history of Millinocket. Barbara is a talented artist and a long time Millinocket resident who spent her summers growing up in Baxter State Park where her dad was a Park Ranger. Her daughter Stacie Cyr is also a volunteer.
Curator Trudy Wyman moved here in the 1960's and has lived here and taught grade school in Millinocket for more than 50 years. She manages the curation software system, tracking all of the items that are donated. For many years she has written a weekly history column for the Lincoln News that is read by thousands. Trudy is an expert on the history of the area and is frequently contacted for historical data and other information about the region by news outlets all over the country. Many visitors to the museum had "Miss Wyman" as a teacher.
Assistant Curator, Leola Dubois is originally from Fort Kent and has lived in Millinocket for almost 50 years. Leola manages the digital collections and has created a large repository of documents about Millinocket, including area high school yearbooks, birth, death, and marriage records, newspaper, scrapbooks and many other items.
Bill Green is a member of the historical society and an avid story teller and history lover.
James Day is an incoming board member and a long time volunteer
Cathy Brown is the vice president of the board at MHS and she does our newsletters and ....
Jane Dissellkamp
Rodney Gagnon
Stacie Cyr
Support our expansion project here.
Monetary donations
Your donation provides services like genealogy research, cataloging and
preserving donated items, preparing exhibits, and keeping the lights on!
If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation to the Millinocket
Historical Society, you may do so by check or money order and send to:
Millinocket Historical Society
PO Box 11
Millinocket, ME 04462
(please write the word “Donation” on the memo line of your check)
We also accept PayPal and credit cards here.
Or you can search for MillinocketHS on PayPal.
Donating Artifacts
If you have artifacts with significance to our town’s history that you
wish to donate to the museum, we would love to hear about them!
Please give us a call at 207-922-9000 with questions or to set up an
appointment with our curator, Trudy Wyman.
You may also donate items by simply stopping by the museum during
open hours or mail them to the address above. Tell us as much as you
can about the items. We like to have information about donated artifacts
such as who owned them, dates, and any other interesting historical
information (provenance) or stories you can tell us about the item.
Some of the items we seek are things you might not think of. Paper items,
things from local businesses, calendars, receipts, advertisements.
We'd also love to have scrapbooks, photos, and memorabilia from schools,
sports, and local organizations. Of special interest to us are photographs
of local people serving in the military, especially post WWII items, which are
rare. We love books about Millinocket, and items from Great Northern and
the logging industry.
Paver Project
Purchase a laser-engraved paver in
memory, in honor, for a school class,
a team, or a business! There are many
other possibilities for these pavers.
Click here for details.
Museum Shop
See the Museum Store pages on this website
for information on books, calendars,
DVDs, and other items currently available.
Your generosity makes our mission possible.
Thank you for being a part of everything we do.