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Happy New Year! 2021

Happy New Year! As we begin a “new year” 2021, this we take a look back at some of what occurred at the museum during an unusual 2020. We were able to be open all year (except for 2 ½ months) as space allowed for social distancing and volunteers and visitors wore masks. Unfortunately, the number of visitors was about 1/3 of a normal year. We missed our usual Millinocketites returning for the July 4 gatherings, class reunions and camp and family visits. We missed the AT hikers and the numerous hiker family members and friends who visit the museum while waiting to pick up the hikers after they finish their trek. We missed the school groups and other special groups who normally visit. With no marathon (and Sunday Fun Run that for two years has raised funds for the museum), the museum missed out on those visitors.

There were good things happening! Many took advantage of more home time to clear out unwanted items and the museum benefited. Thank you all! Great news! The upstairs is dry-walled and painted, flooring done, heating installed and electrical almost completed! Workers accomplished this by scheduling work one at a time to stay safe. Soon planning can begin for the displays. Grant writing is on-going for funding for the handicapped accessibility and exterior work that still needs to be done before the second floor can be opened to the public.

Many of you will be receiving letters soon explaining how you can support the museum and it endeavors. If you do not receive one, you can still help…make a monetary donation, buy something from the museum store or purchase a laser-engraved paver for placement out front. Over 200 are already in place and new orders are added each summer. Get your order in by end of April. Thank you to all who have helped in some way to support the museum.

Let’s have a great 2021! Contact the museum (see info below) by phone, e-mail, mail or through our Facebook page or website (a new improved website is in the works)!

Don’t toss those old Stearns or Schenck yearbooks or any out-of-print books written by local authors or about the area. Others look to the museum to find copies, so please donate them to us if you no longer want them.

Museum open Thursday, Friday, Saturday Noon-3PM, weather permitting! In the Museum Store! *** 2021 Calendars! Theme: Millinocket, Oh! How We’ve Changed! $12 each, mail orders add $5 SH each calendar. 2022 calendar will be available by summer! *** Preowned yearbooks - $10.00 each. *** Matted photos, various prices – GNP mill, Little Italy, river drives, Mt. Katahdin. *** DVD’s, Little Italy Part 1 and Part 2 available at the museum ($15 each) or mail order ($15 each). ***Books: “Within Katahdin’s Realm, Log Drives and Sporting Camps” (Bill Geller) $30.00; “Logging Towboats & Boom Jumpers” (Moody) $18.00; “Tanglefoot,” (Edwards) $15.00; “Millinocket” (D. Duplisea) $20.00; “A Little Taste of History” cookbooks - $15.00; both Laverty books, $25 history & $10 architecture; “Our Real World,” (M. Murphy); “No Time for Moss (McKeen) $15.00 and several preowned books (out of print) by local authors. *** All items may be mailed – add $5 SH each item. *** For information, groups or appointments, contact Curator Trudy Wyman, 723-5477 or or the Millinocket Historical Society, P. O. Box 11, on the web at or on Facebook.

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