The ABC’s of some of the 2020 donations to the museum…ordinary to the unusual! A - Ash tray (DiNardo’s Store), aerial photo (Haugen & Morgan Lane), Abenaki of Katahdin Area (book)

B - Boddy’s Dairy ¼ pt. bottle, bank (coins), blueberry rake, book (Neuropathy of Zombies) C - Class photos, certificates (Masonic), Camp Phoenix (history sporting camp) D - Defense stamps, doll (1930’s), drum corps photos (Northern Knights) E - Eyeglasses (1920’s, ephemera (lots of paper items)

F - Felt repair kit (paper machine), French fry cutter G - Genealogies (Boddy, Mackin), garment bag Peter’s Family Fashions, golf club (early, Hillcrest Golf Club) H - Horseshoe I - Irons (known as sad irons, heat on stove) J - Jacket (Bomber jacket, WWII Army Air Force member) K - Katahdin Times newspapers L - Levasseur’s Hardware carpenter’s apron, lasts (shoe making, repair) M - Medical chair (early GNP medical room), infra-red heat massager N - Newspapers (The Millinocket Journal), news articles O - Opera glasses P - Pencil sharpener (SHS), papers (military, Pasquine), punch card (Munson’s Lunch), photos (lots, all subjects) Q - Quilt show program

R - Razors (straight edge), reunion photos, record adapters (for 45rpm) S - Scouting (Girl Scout uniform, badges), stereoscope slides, skis (wooden, Johnson) Shack Hill bottle T - Tape measure, teamster photo (millyard), track medals (SHS), tintype (Adams) U - Uniforms (WWI, WWII) V - VFW hats W - Wood carvings Olaf Johnson, milk wagon photo X, Y, Z
Museum open Thursday, Friday, Saturday Noon-3PM, weather permitting!
In the Museum Store! *** 2021 Calendars! Theme: Millinocket, Oh! How We’ve Changed! $12 each, mail orders add $5 SH each calendar. 2022 calendar will be available by summer! *** Preowned yearbooks - $10.00 each. *** Matted photos, various prices – GNP mill, Little Italy, river drives, Mt. Katahdin. *** DVD’s, Little Italy Part 1 and Part 2 available at the museum ($15 each) or mail order ($15 each). ***Books: “Within Katahdin’s Realm, Log Drives and Sporting Camps” (Bill Geller) $30.00; “Logging Towboats & Boom Jumpers” (Moody) $18.00; “Tanglefoot,” (Edwards) $15.00; “Millinocket” (D. Duplisea) $20.00; “A Little Taste of History” cookbooks - $15.00; both Laverty books, $25 history & $10 architecture; “Our Real World,” (M. Murphy); “No Time for Moss (McKeen) $15.00 and several preowned books (out of print) by local authors. *** All items may be mailed – add $5 SH each item. *** For information, groups or appointments, contact Curator Trudy Wyman, 723-5477 or or the Millinocket Historical Society, P. O. Box 11, on the web at or on Facebook.