Odds and Ends From The MUSEUM!
By Trudy Wyman, Curator, Millinocket Historical Society Museum
Millinocket Camp #91 of the Sons of Veterans was established here in 1912 and was made up of sons and grandsons of Civil War veterans. Several prominent early citizens had relatives who had been in the Union Army 1861-65. A few of these men are buried in the Millinocket cemetery along with their sons or grandsons who were early settlers here.
The Millinocket Historical Society recently discovered the original charter for the local camp. It had been folded in half at some time and finally ended up among other miscellaneous papers tucked in the back of an old records book. It is about 20” x 16”. One edge has tears and portions are missing. There are several large and small stains of unknown origin. Even so, the most important information is readable!
Millinocket Camp #91 was organized with 28 charter members. The camp was named Horatio Stearns Camp in honor of the father of George W. Stearns. The first Commander-in-Chief was George W. Stearns. Fred M. Gates, Sr. was chosen First Senior Vice-Commander, William P. Marden was Secretary, Frank H. Speed was treasurer and Harry E. Reed was Chaplain. Others held such offices as Guide, Inside Guard, Outside Guard, Principal Musician and Color Bearer. In addition, the charter has these original member names: Geo. Powers, C.E. Daggett, Isaac McGoff, Fred Gates, Jr., J. Blaine Crocker, Harry Clark, Roland E. Hathorne, Roy Pratt, Harold C. Gates. W.L. Hobbs, Dennis H. Buckley, Geo. E. Clark, B.A. Thorpe, Walter Pratt, George F. Burton, Horace B. Clark, F.A. Williams, Frank M. Wheeler and Fred Clifford.
The charter came to the museum in a large collection of materials from the former local Veterans of Foreign Wars building. This was some time after the closure of the building and its sale. The items were packed by the new owners and offered to MHS. We are still in the process of sorting, organizing and cataloging the many items.
Previously Sons of Veterans materials were donated when the museum was in the Municipal Bldg. The donor/donors are unknown as no record exists. The items include a list of charter members, secretary’s and treasurer’s books, a cash book (local expenditures) and more. A “Descriptive Book” lists member names, ages, places of residence, birthplace, and occupation. Another section gives data on the Civil War veteran. His name, date of enrollment, rank, company, and regiment are listed. His date of discharge, cause of discharge, rank, and length of service are given. Dates in these books indicate the camp was established in 1912 and was active at least through 1918.
These items are a great genealogy resource.
