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Snow, Snow, Snow!

Odds and Ends From The MUSEUM!

By Trudy Wyman, Curator, Millinocket Society Museum

Millinocket, 100 years ago, was subject to severe winter weather that sometimes lingered well into springtime, but people managed to brave the conditions and continue their regular activities. News articles described some of these activities.

The International Brotherhood of Papermaker’s Ball was held in January of 1921 in spite of very inclement weather. The article states, “pouring rain and soft snow and water made walking a feat of skill.” However, a large number of “Millinocket friends braved difficulties and attended the New Year’s concert and ball at the Opera House.” This grand occasion opened with a concert by the Venetian Melody Boys, followed by various skits by I.B. of P.M. members, banjo and xylophone selections and a grand march. (Some may not know, one of the Venetian Melody Boys was Rudy Vallee, who became famous for recording the Maine Stein Song.)

In early March of 1922, a blinding snow storm caused a switcher engine on the B & A railroad operating in the Millinocket mill yard to “strike one of the company’s heavy white trucks and practically demolish it at one of the crossings.” Work continued even though two men were injured. They were treated by local physicians Dr. Young and Dr. Bryant and then the more severely injured man was driven to a Bangor hospital during the severe storm. Imagine 1922 and the road to Bangor at that time and what they might have had for an ambulance or other conveyance back then!

Another news-worthy item mentions that members of the Knights of Pythias lodge of Millinocket traveled to meet with the members of the East Millinocket lodge for installation of officers and a chicken supper. “Although the snow was heavy, little difficulty was found in arriving safely.”

An item in The Northern magazine, describes a snowy evening spent at the Rice Farm. In early March of 1922, “the girls from the auditing department took their annual sleigh ride to the Rice Farm. With the wind blowing a gale and a good Maine snowstorm in progress, the merry party tucked themselves into a wood sled and started on their way.” They were served a hearty meal in the dining room by the Rice Farm housekeeper. After a short entertainment of readings and solos was done and dancing was enjoyed, it was time to journey home.”

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