Odds and Ends From The MUSEUM!
There have been a number of Millinocket newspapers published over the years.
One was the Millinocket Herald-Tribune. MHS has thirty-three copies of this paper ranging from 5/29/1947 through 1/8/1948. This weekly newspaper sold for seven cents for a single copy or $2.00 per year in advance and most of the issues run about ten pages. Portions of the banner include: Brand New Every Thursday, All the Home News, and Published in the interest of the people of Millinocket and vicinity. This newspaper was owned/published by Paul J. Maxwell with the office at 50 Penobscot Avenue.
The following is from three June and July 1947 issues. Each issue’s front page featured local social news. One issue’s front page featured 6 weddings, 2 engagements, 2 surprise parties (bride-to-be, baby shower) plus a UMaine and a SHS graduation party. The only other front-page story highlighted the St. Martin’s school picnic at the Rice Farm with 19 students, Father Quinn and other chaperones listed.
Another issue’s front page announced that Battery D (Millinocket National Guard) would embark on two weeks maneuvers. That page also told of the Vacation Bible School closing ceremony at the Baptist Church. There were 170 children, directors (students from Gordon College of Theology) and others participating. All were individually named in the article.
The June 2, 1947 issue had a very brief article stating, “It has been announced that in the summer of 1948 the two towns of Brownville Junction and Millinocket will be linked together by a $125,000 bridge spanning the West Branch of the Penobscot River about 5 miles outside of Millinocket. This will open many trade routes and also a third route to and from Millinocket.”
A weekly column is titled Around Town. It is comprised of who was visiting in town or locals visiting away, who was attending summer school, etc. One page covered highlights of national news. Other pages have household hints and a crossword puzzle. There are comic strips titled Mutt and Jeff, Nancy, Virgil, Little Reggie, Jitter, and Reg’lar Fellers. One week in July, the Millinocket Theater was showing The Michigan Kid and Barefoot Boy. The coming attraction was Miracle on 34th Street. One of the 3 issues searched did have a sports story. The Millinocket Pills baseball team defeated both Mattawamkeag and Old Town that week.
Recipes and classified ads make up another page. A page also featured two dress patterns that could be ordered and a needlecraft pattern. The dress patterns could be purchased for $.25 in coins.
The advertisements suggested you visit Hikel’s Army & Navy Store to purchase children’s overalls. Katahdin Dry Cleaners would dry clean your clothes in 3 days. Go to Fuller’s and see the new Gladiron on display. “Do your ironing the easy way, for those hot summer days, it is the Gladiron way!”
Readers could keep up with all the news, shop and much more by reading the weekly Millinocket-Herald Tribune.
