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Moran and Other Ads, 1902


Odds and Ends From The MUSEUM!

By Trudy Wyman, Curator, Millinocket Historical Society Museum


 The January 18,1902 issue of The Millinocket Journal had an ad for G. B. Moran, local menswear store owner and either he did a tailor’s work for his store customers or he hired the work done. He also had a sense of humor as illustrated by the following advertisement.  

       10 Cents for a Button.

                               $1.00 for a Rip.

              This is the point that we wish you to see:

         There goes with each pair a complete guarantee 

         If a button comes off during two months of wear

    We will pay you ten cents – don’t you think that is fair?

             And more: If you think the trousers should rip

       At the seams of the waist band, the seat or the hip.

               We will pay you a dollar, or hereby agree

          To give you a new pair of trousers scot-free.

                  Remember We Do As We Advertise

                                  G.B. Moran 

       Same newspaper, same issue…this advertisement:

                        Japanese Gold Fish Given Away To anyone purchasing goods today (Saturday) to the amount of One Dollar ($1.00) we will give free four genuine Japanese Gold or Silver Fish. Don’t miss this opportunity as it will only last for one day.

                                                Wm. J. Heebner, Druggist

            The Mountain View House (across from park) provided various services for their guests/tenants. Spelling variations were accepted! One 1902 ad states:

                                                        Your Next

                                  Mountain View House Hair Dressing Parlor

                                                  The Best in Town

                                              Razors Honed, 25 cents

                                                       Your Next


            Higgins & Bach’s Penobscot Avenue Market advertised what they stocked:

                                           Don’t Forget We Carry

       Heinz Preserves & Pickles

                                 Also the best Sauer Kraut on Earth

                                     Fresh Oysters Always on Hand

            A wide variety of businesses and services could be found in 1902 Millinocket and it all came in by train. The newspaper carried ads for these businesses and services and make for interesting reading. The museum has a number of newspapers from 1901-1904 and they are available for viewing!

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