100 years ago in July of 1921, these were some of the Millinocket newsworthy items that appeared in print. 1. “A huge new scoreboard and bleachers erected on the ball ground is a vast improvement on the old one and all visitors both on the grandstand and bleachers can keep well in touch with the score as the game proceeds. A fence has also been erected along the river to prevent balls going into the stream.” (Note, the ball park, grandstand and pavilion were in the area between Central St. and where the second armory building was later built.) 2. “A special town meeting will be held at the Armory July 18, 1921 to see if the town will issue bonds in amount of $150,000 in denominations of $1000 for the construction of the new George W. Stearns High School building at 4½%.” (Note, this building was in the planning stages before the fire at the Millinocket HS in November of 1921.) 3. “The Royal Neighbors will spend the day at the Rice Farm on Tuesday. Any are welcome whether members or not. Apply to George Oliver for conveyance.” (Note, this group was made up of wives of Modern Woodmen of America members.) 4. “Spring has come to Millinocket! If you doubt it look in the library window, gay with birds, flowers, poultry and bees. Doesn’t it make you want to plan a garden, keep a few hens or have some golden honey? Come in and borrow the books that tell you how to do it!” (Note, July seems a little late for this!) 5. “The custom of picking up an attractive kitten upon the street and appropriating it cannot be too strongly condemned. Some of us are fond of our pets and although faithful kitty has no legal standing, she ought to be able to step abroad without being stolen. Several Millinocket friends have had trouble and resent having their pets thus kidnapped.” 6. Chautauqua, an annual event was coming to town and residents were asked in July to set aside money for tickets. There would be “fine lectures,” musical events including the Fadette Ladies’ Military Band, a sextette from the Symphony Orchestra and the entire opera of The Mikado.” Note, Chautauqua was an education and social movement in the late 1800’s and thru the 1920’s. It brought entertainment and culture to communities. Teddy Roosevelt said it “was the most American thing in America.”
Museum open Thursday, Friday, Saturday Noon-3PM In the Museum Store! ***2022 Calendars, Everybody Loves a Parade! $14.00 each, add $5 each by mail *** Preowned yearbooks - $10.00 each. *** Matted photos, various prices – GNP mill, Little Italy, river drives, Mt. Katahdin. *** DVD’s, Little Italy Part 1 and Part 2 available at the museum ($15 each) or mail order ($15 each). ***Books: “Within Katahdin’s Realm, Log Drives and Sporting Camps” (Bill Geller) $30.00; “Logging Towboats & Boom Jumpers” (Moody) $18.00; “Tanglefoot,” (Edwards) $15.00; “The Nighthawk,” (Edwards) $15.00; “Millinocket” (D. Duplisea) $20.00; “A Little Taste of History” cookbooks - $15.00; both Laverty books, $25 history & $10 architecture; “Our Real World,” (M. Murphy) $15.00; “No Time for Moss (McKeen) $15.00 and several preowned books (out of print) by local authors. *** All items may be mailed – add $5 SH each item. *** For information, groups or appointments, contact Curator Trudy Wyman, 723-5477. *** By mail at Millinocket Historical Society, P. O. Box 11, Facebook or on the web at www.millinockethistoricalsociety.org or on Facebook. ***By email MillinocketHistSoc@gmail.com or trudy18@beeline-online.net
