Odds and Ends From The MUSEUM!
By Trudy Wyman, Curator, Millinocket Society Museum
The ABC’s of some of the 2021 donations to the museum…from the ordinary to the unusual!
A – Autograph album SHS, Millinocket Players photos
B – Bowling tournament programs, pink plastic coin bank (Millinocket Trust Co.)
C – Chair (from beaver chewed sticks), old cameras, men’s disposable shirt collars
D – Dance recital photos, photos of dams, Junior Prom 1935 dance card
E – Eyeglass case from Dr. Shippee’s office, Emerson Pills scorer’s book (1940-41)
F – Fire tower model, Fuller Furniture coupon books
G – Genealogy books, Girl Scout Camp Natarswi history
H – Heebner Drugstore medicine bottle, hats (Red Hatters)
I - Inspection certificate Norcross steamboat, insurance policy holder with two pockets
J – Jackets (Katahdin Rangers), jack knife with piece of rock from Vietnam Memorial
K – Knights of Pythias panoramic photo, Knights of Columbus plumed hat & red cape
L – Letters (WWII, Cyr), lamp (goose-neck floor lamp, GNP 1st Aid Room)
M – Medical instrument cabinet (early GNP 1st Aid Room), military photos
N - Norcross boat photos (transported sports to camps), newspapers & news articles
O – Ox shoe (1/2), Katahdin Outing Club photos (one shows toboggan slide)
P – Pool hall token (Hikel’s), perpetual calendar
Q -
R – Roll of paper (section from #11 last roll made, 2008), railroad award coin
S – SHS megaphone, scrapbooks (B & A RR, Red Hatters)
T – Toaster (slices slide down rather than pop-up)
U – Uniform (majorette), Millinocket police uniform
V – Vietnam War medals, voltmeter
W – Wood pieces (original SHS gym floor), Bentwood chair
Y - Yearbooks
…and much more!! Stop in for a visit!!
